Friday, September 29, 2006

Weekend Internet Money Project - Internet Vending Machines

Do you remember when you were a kid and you have that little piggy bank. Every now and then, your mom or dad, or your uncles and aunties come by and drop in a few coins for you. What if I can show how to have that again - even if you are 70? That would be great right? No saving effort, yet you have a small little saving that you put a way every now and then. Infact, later I will even show you how to turn this piggy bank into a line of vending machines, scattered all over the internet. You will have money thrown at your everyday, around the clock. So here's your weekend internet money project, generating that little change for the rainy days. I have been on the internet since 1997 and I think that now is the easiest time for you to make money from the internet. Of course there are many ways for you to make money on the internet. But the easiest would in a way which you don't have to do a lot of things - no money handling, processing orders, no shipping or any of those things. And even in times when you have to work, why not be it something that you like doing. Consider this famous quote - "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius And I think it is true. Doing something that you love is never a work. It is never a job - it's passion. Now back to the weekend internet money project. Why don't you start considering what is it that you love and passionate about. What you should do is share with the world about it. How? - Build a website. Today, building a website is child's play. A seven-year old can show you how to build a website. And even if you are totally blur about the internet and computers, there are many tools and software that can help you with this. Let's not go into detail on this. Let's talk about how to make money. The big question is - How to generate money from your website. Now this is no secret. There are only two ways to make money from you website - the easy way. Google Adsense ( Affiliate Programs Let's talk about Google Adsense. When you have build your website, register for Google Adsense program and start earning money for every clicks that you refer to advertisers. Just sign-up, get the advertising code and put it in your website. And that's it. Google Adsense has a technology that will show relevant ads on your website. If your website talks about babies, Google Adsense will display ads on baby products. This will indeed increase clicks on the ads and increase you earning from Google Adsense. Before you know it, this little website IS your little piggy bank. But instead of having you mom or dad fill it in, you have somebody that you don't even know, willingly giving you their spare change. I can't say how much you can really earn. Some clicks give you $1.23 and some just gives you $0.06. That all depends on the industry and how competitive that industry is advertising. But whenever anyone gives me a spare change, I take it. Now, let's talk about affiliate programs. How does this work? This is again about advertising, but instead of earning by every click, you earn bigger money, but for every sales that occur. The miracle of the internet has been able to track visitors from your website and being able to tell whether or not they purchased anything at the advertisers' website. Unlike earning by clicks, a sales doesn't occur as often. But with affiliate programs, you earn more. You may be earning $0.23 for a click but you can earn $50 for a sale. There are numerous affiliat programs on the internet. Some of the famous on would be like the one I list below Commission Junction - Linkshare - ShareASale - Dark Blue - ClickBank - ... and there are more ... What you should do with affiliate programs is choose the most relevant affiliate programs to your website, and then start promoting them in your website. If you have a website about babies, find an affiliate programs on baby products. That is the way to do it. Some affiliate programs indeed offer the $80 commission per sale but if that product is not related to your website, I doubt that any sale is to occur. Now, we've talked about the opportunity of the internet and building your small piggy bank ... now let's talk about the action plan. 1 - Build Your Website This is easy. Here are some tools that you can use that will help you make building and maintaining your website almost effortless. Hosted Solution Site Build It - Website Wizard - Third Sphere Hosting - GoDaddy! - Free WYSIWYG Web Page Editors Amaya - WebPage - WebMatrix - 1st Page 2000 - 2 - Always Update Your Website With Fresh Content In your free time, always write more about the thing that you are passionate about. Just let the ideas pour in and write whatever it is that you are thinking about. Some Other Tips I Can Share Now, is there more things that I share? Well, yes! Just consider the following.

Tip #1 - Is There a Market for Your Topic? Try considering how many other people have the same interest as you. If there are many people that have the same interest as you, they are your possible visitors. What you can do the check this out is to check how many people are searching for the related field. Try out Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool where you can check out how many times a keyword was searched for the previous month. If there aren't many, you may have a website with no visitors. Run through all the keywords relating to your passion in the tool and see. You might even find a topic that you can really focus on rather than a very broad topic. If you like cats, try cat food, cat care, cat clothing ... If there are about 5,000 searches minimum for that keyword, you can go with that.

Tip #2 - Learn a Little Bit of Search Engine Optimization This is the skill in which you try to get good listing in search engines. Now, don't get too hooked up on this. Just do the basics. Learn a thing or two and start implementing it in your website. You can about this at the following website.

Tip #3 - Get People To Link To You Now, on top of writing fresh new content for your website, why not every now and then, find another website and ask that website to link to you. You can even ask them to link to a specific article that you have. You benefit in two ways from this. One, the visitors on the other website can know about your website and come over. Two, search engines like websites with many incoming links. So having many incoming links can boost your listing in the search engines.

Tip #4 - Turn Piggy Bank Into Vending Machines Now, here's a big tip. Because when everything is up and running, you don't really have to do much - you can build more website. Each of this websites is like another piggy bank. But because you have so many of them, in every corner of the internet - it's like having vending machines in every corner of the town. Now - how great is that? In fact this is better than having vending machines. You don't have to refill them, you don't have to get out of your house - it's great. Infact I myself is in the process of building my own small vending machines all over the net. I have a site on paintball, I have a site on airsoft, I have a site on computer cases, and a few more. And I want to add more. When ever you feel like it's time for a new website, just think about what else you are interested in and start the work all over again. So I guess that is all. To sum it all up, here is a short summary action plan for you. Find a field that you are interested in Qualify with Overture Search Term Tool Build your website Build links Build more content So ... I wish you well. Start building your piggy bank ... err ... I mean your vending machines.

About The Author:
Iszuddin Ismail a.k.a. Kidino, the Web Marketing Techie is the editor of MoneyClicking Newsletter where he helps netpreneurs with their website building for internet marketing. Join the MoneyClicking Newsletter Today. Free ebook - Build Content-Site for Internet Income.
This article was posted on July 14, 2004
Article Source: The Articles Directory

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Can I Make Money Online With The Adsense Program?

Sure you can. If you will learn how many other people make money online with Adsense, I mean really study how and ask a lot of questions on marketing forums, there is no reason in the world you cannot make money with the Adsense program.

Before starting to develop this opportunity to make money online you need to understand some basic things about Adsense. I will outline some benefits and disadvantages about Adsense here.

Let's start with the Adsense benefits:

You don't have to pay a fee to use this program. You can apply for free.

You can join the Adsense program very easy. After you are accepted into the program you just have to paste a bit of code into your pages.

Because of their method to identify what a page is all about you don't have to spend time finding advertisers, they will place on your page the exact advertisers you need.

If you own a really big network of sites, you don't have to apply for each of them. Just apply once and use the same code on every site.

And many other benefits but let's take a look at the disadvantages too:

The biggest disadvantage that most users report is that the stats Google supplies are inadequate. Even if they're very easy to understand they don't tell you which ads people are clicking on, or which keywords are involved. That's very frustrating.

The minimum payout is $100, users that have sites which don't receive much traffic say that it's too high. If you plan on doing from adsense a successful business. don't worry about this.

If you want to display adsense ads you may not display other text based ads on the same page with them. When you apply humans will check your site for approval, if you are rejected just try to understand why they did, fix it and appeal again.

You will never know how much from the amount that advertisers pay you will receive. You will just receive an unknown percentage from that amount.

With this benefits and disadvantages in mind you can now start to learn all the inside secrets of adsense and develop a real online business. You can start doing so by reading about it on major make money online forums, tring to understand all there's about it many users discuss this topic very deep.

About the Author:
James Carter
Check out this home based business opportunity and discover new ways to make money online by visiting James Carter's website
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Adsense Tips: 5 Powerful Tips to Easy Adsense Success

I'm sure by now you know a thing or two about Adsense. So I'll skip the long drawn out explanation. In short, Adsense is simply a Google advertising program that allows nearly anyone with a website or a blog, the opportunity to place paid ads on their website, and share in the ad revenue. Ok, with that explained, let's talk about actually making money with the program.

It's really quite simple, not easy, but simple. You just have to get people to your blog that are interested in what you you are blogging about. And guess what? I'm going to show you how to do it for FREE. It will take work and some effort, but it will work. If you want to purchase tools to help you better automate the process, I'll let you know which ones work. I know because I've tried a lot of them. Well without further ado, here's my blueprint for Adsense Success.

1. Create An Optimized Blog:

Blogs are a fantastic tool to use for promoting Google Adsense. This is because blogs are first of all, free, they are easy to customize, have a built in ability to automatically place adsense ads on your blog and quite simply, search engines love them. To get the most out of your blog, make sure to optimize it the same way you would optimize any other website. Add title tags and make sure to mention the keyword or phrase you are targeting for the search engines at least several times throughout your posts. If you want more information about promoting and driving free traffic to your blog, I suggest you read Blogging Bonanza, its a really good report about making great money with blogs.

2. Update Daily:

Updating your blog/website is important for two reasons. First the search engines love fresh content. This will help you get higher rankings and enable more people to find your blog/website, which means more potential cash for you. Secondly, people will come back and visit your blog/website if it is updated frequently and informative. I will let you in on a secret. If you want to add information to your blog without writing it yourself, there are tools to help you automate the process.

3. Submit Your Blog to Blog/Rss Directories:

Submitting your blog and RSS Feeds to directories will enable people interested in your topic to visit your blog and subscribe to your RSS Feed. This also provides high PR, back links to your blog, which will help you tremendously in your search engine efforts. There is a really good, free website that lists all of the top blog and RSS directories. You can take a look at it here. Submitting your blog and RSS feed to all of the sites can be time consuming, especially if you have more than one blog. There is a piece of software available that will allow you to do it much faster.

4. Blend Your Ads:

Make sure that your Adsense ads blend into your website, so that it looks like a natural part of it. Make sure the background of the ad matches your website and that the ad text color looks good and blends in with your site. If you use then it will automatically blend the ads in for you.

5. Use Articles to Promote Your Blog or Website: This is a free way to get targeted and best of all, FREE traffic to your website or blog. Interested individuals as well as ezine, blog and other website owners, will pick up your articles and publish them to their websites if your articles are well-written and applicable. Here's a quick list of some of the best article and ezine directories.

If you want to exponentially increase your article marketing efforts, you might want to try using an automated article submission software. This type of software will automatically submit your articles This type of software will automatically submit your articles to over 100 of the top article directories which will give you added exposure and more back links. You can also use a automated service. I have done this, but it really slowed me down because I had to constantly make changes, just to get the article approved. It would take me nearly 1 week to get one article approved just so it could finally get submitted. When I purchased my own software, I could send out articles everyday. So it really helped my marketing efforts.

Well, there you have it. My simple, and effective Adsense Tips Blueprint. Good luck and get to work!

About the Author:
Roxanne Manning
Want the entire blueprint? Looking for ways to bring hoards of laser targeted traffic to your adsense web pages & blogs for free? Discover Free & Powerful Adsense Tips Here: Adsense Tips

Article Submitted On: September 18, 2006

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Adsense – The Powerful Passive Income Generator

Webmasters have a revolutionary new method of collecting income from their websites.
Whereas in the past advertising revenue was reserved for those sites with large a coming and going of visitors, now even teenagers are making a quick buck with their online hobby blogs. People place adsense on their online family photo albums, their blogs and their business sites. The minimum you would get, even with a small amount of traffic, is for adsense to pay for your hosting costs.

Adsense revolutionized the world of paid advertising; banner advertising is based on the number of visitors you attract to your site, so the number of “banner impressions” dictate the revenue you receive. Google Adsense is quite different; it is the number of visitors that actually click on the advertising that determine how much you earn.

There is also a great disparity between payouts; because advertisers bid up the price for certain keywords, some ads pay more than others. As such, a site with few visitors but expensive keywords in their google ads can potentially still pull in a hefty payout.

Google really has taken the web by storm; attracted to passive income, more and more people are seriously capitalizing on their Google adsense advertising. Some of the highest earners manage to attract enough visitors to make a four figure monthly income, just from using adsense alone! This is not one of those get-rich-quick schemes and Google’s adsense success is largely thanks to the fact that Google already enjoyed a fantastic reputation before introducing the program. They are a publicly traded company with physical headquarters. This, and the fact that anyone can apply to use adsense for free, has caused millions of people to sign up. For google it was a smart move, because now they extend their presence to countless websites and generate millions of dollars in advertising revenue. People were never reluctant to sign up, because the program is free. Google benefits by more people using adsense, so offering it for free was the best thing they could do.

One of the driving forced behind the program are its relevance to each and every page on a website; the program picks up keywords appearing in the website copy and automatically displays relevant ads. This increases the chances of people clicking through, and the webmaster collecting more revenue.

People are leveraging their income by operating several websites and attempting to attract as many targeted visitors as possible; in many instances we can observe that people work hard at a site, then once it is established they can largely leave it alone, yet still collect significant checks.

A major concern for entrepreneurs was the danger of a competitors ads showing up on their site; thanks to the adsense feature where it only displays relevant advertising. However this problem was solved by offering webmasters the option of filtering out unwanted ads. They can submit the URL of the competing site in their account, and any ads from the website will be blocked.

Google recently came out with a new feature: small targeted keywords based on the site’s content are displayed; then as people click on those, a page opens showing a variety of pay-per-click ads based on that keyword. This gives webmasters the chance of displaying more advertising in less space.

Adsense also adds creditability to your website; the more focused the content, the better the ads will be and this encourages people to built high quality websites. These make the net a better place and generally provide a free service; site owners can afford to share their expertise or passions because they can receive indirect revenue’s. The visitor does not pay for the information; instead the advertisers do, making the website’s existence possible in the first place.

It is no surprise Google adsense is the most widely used form of advertising; they have created a program that is beneficial to both advertisers and users with their “no click no pay” mechanism, or more popularly called “pay-per-click”. Advertisers do not pay for ads that are not drawing visitors, and website owners are paid more for each click than they would if the system were based on the number of people viewing the ads, instead of clicking on them.

All in all Google adsense has developed itself into a powerful tool, used by large corporations and the kid next door. They have truly revolutionized how the web thinks about advertising and made the process more profitable for site owners, while less costly for advertisers.

About the author:
Matt Bacak became "##1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours.
Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories.
Discover The Secrets To Unleash The Powerful Promoter In You! Sign up for Matt Bacak's Promoting Tips Ezine ($100 value) just visit his website at or
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Friday, September 01, 2006

Adsense – When should you use it?

Well I have several sites, some of them I apply the AdSense to; to make a few extra pennies and some of my websites I wouldn’t even dream of placing Adsense to.

For example, I will not use AdSense on a site that I wish to sell one product on, especially my own products. This can take your potential prospects away from what you want them to buy. Why would you risk losing them to your competition or to another site for a few lousy cents? Or dollars if you got the “higher” end priced AdSense ads on your site.

All sites where I am selling a specific product will not have any out going links for me. I want to keep them on my site for as long as possible.

However, I will use AdSense on sites that are more along the lines of “Free Content” websites. Usually these websites I set up, I use directly for making money with AdSense.

What’s interesting with AdSense is that your layout can have a detrimental affect on how much you can earn from using it. Of course testing and re-testing will be your ultimate tool in finding out what works best with your website.

I tend to stay clear of the lay out that looks like Google’s sponsored ads on the main Google website. Everyone identifies these ads as “paid” and not as likely to have as many people to click through them.

Adsense can be a nice little profitable tool if used correctly.

© Joanne King -

About the author:
Joanne King
Get your Free book on “Affiliate Marketing – Quick Start Guide” by visiting

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