Thursday, March 29, 2007

Where’s the best place to put Google Adsense Ads?

Why, on your web pages of course. Ok, just kidding. The real question should be: “Is there really any truth to the rumors that where you place those Google AdSense ads can actually improve response?” According to my best information, the answer to that question is: Yes.

Google’s own AdSense experts say that that there is a direct correlation between the placement of the AdSense ads and the resulting clickthrough.

When ads are placed in “content zones”, rather than in “advertising zones”, response rates on Google AdWords goes up. There are also indications showing that ads appearing on the right side of the page get clicked more than ads appearing on the left side.

Advertising analysts with degrees in human behavior and psychology have spent thousands of man-years (people-years?) studying how people read printed and Internet content and what it takes to get them to respond to ads. While some of these studies are proprietary, or are only available to anyone with $10,000 or more to spend on a copy, other studies have been made public and can be read by anyone who is interested.

Google themselves has released some relevant information which is focused directly on increasing your Google AdSense response. You can read their findings here (

Of course, all of the studies in the world aren’t worth a hill of beans if the findings don’t work on your web site. That’s why it is important to test, test and test again. Experiment with your Google AdSense placement and track the results over a period of time. Google provides response tracking tools in your AdSense control panel. Learn how to use them. As you begin to see what may be only subtle differences in response, you’ll be able to determine what works best for your particular site. But don’t get complacent. What’s working for you now might not work next month if you change your site design or content.

One of the most important factors in determining placement of your ads is the type of content that your site delivers. If you are primarily an e-commerce site, and you have a lot of pictures and ad copy for your own products competing for attention against AdSense ads, then it is going to be a particularly tough challenge getting any kind of decent Google AdSense clickthrough. It is situations like this that require very thorough testing and a lot of trial and error.

Blogs seem to have a lot of success generating high response rates to Google AdSense listings. Perhaps it’s because blog readers realize that ad revenue is the only way that their favorite blogmaster can keep the lights on, so the readers think of clicking on ads as a way to make a donation.

Regardless of what the experts say, your best bet is to tailor your Google AdSense ad placement to what your own experience shows works best for you. In the end, you’re the only expert who matters.

About the author:
Diane Nassy provides marketing and internet profit tips.
For more Google AdSense tips, visit
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Dead Simple Way To Increase Your Adsense Earnings

Do you know sometimes very small changes to your website can make a high impact on your adsense earnings? If you got a lot of clicks yet you only earn a small amount for each click, you can try to implement this strategy of mine.

This simple strategy is simply changing your webpage to target high paying adsense ads. Unless your website is in a niche where there aren’t many adsense ads, it should work for you.

First, you need to understand the connection between adsense and adwords. Adwords is where advertisers pay to put their advertisements on google and some will include it on the content network which is where you the adsense publisher comes in.

Google provides data to the advertisers to help them better their return on investment. Data such as estimated cost per click on each keyword, search volume, competitiveness etc is available to advertisers.

By reverse engineering, you can get this data as well. You can go to and simply enter your keyword and you can get the estimated cost per click for all related keywords.

Now that you know which keywords pays more, you can either change your existing webpages to include these keywords to trigger these advertisements or create new webpages targeting these keywords. You can even use the google adwords keyword tool to find even more keywords relating to your website.

One more tip, before implementing these high paying adsense keywords, you might want to run through your keyword tool to determine the competition. Some high paying keywords can be also very competitive and ideally, you want high paying adsense keywords that are not too competitive.

About the Author:
Ricky Lim
Discover the best membership site that allows everyday people to make a full time living from adsense with the full suite of content, traffic and tools available. Click here to find out more.
Article Submitted On: January 14, 2007
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Friday, March 23, 2007

$1 Million In Google Adsense Earnings

They are calling him the million dollar man. Jason Calacanis recently revealed in his blog that he is on track to earn a million dollars from AdSense over the year ahead.

And if that number doesn’t wake you up and have you sitting on the edge of your seat, consider for a moment that he reached this level in less than a year. His company only started using AdSense in September 2004.

Calacanis runs Weblogs Inc., a network dedicated to creating trade weblogs across niche industries. And he’s quickly proven that AdSense is a credible advertising partner.

As their network has grown, so has their AdSense revenue. In January 2005 they earned an average of $580 per day. In March it was $737. In May it was $1,585. One day in July, just before he made the blog entry referred to above, they earned $2,335. Remember that is just for one day. If they can take that daily average to $2,740 they’ll be earning a rate of $1 million for a year. And Calacanis predicts that reaching daily earnings of $3,000 or even $5,000 is quite achievable.

That’s quite an achievement. Keep in mind that Calacanis has 103 bloggers on the payroll and nine staffers. Even so, many webmasters would give an arm or a leg to have even a third of that.

Google’s AdSense has been revolutionary. It has become firmly established as the darling of the online advertising industry. Although rumors are heard of major competitors launching a similar service, AdSense’s premier position seems secure for now.

In essence, AdSense has made it possible for almost anyone with a web site or blog to earn some revenue from advertising, without having to employ sales people or spend precious time searching for advertisers.

AdSense works like this. Webmasters sign up for an account in just a few minutes. They receive a small snippet of code to include on their web pages. Google will then automatically serve advertisements that are relevant to the content on the webmaster's pages. When someone visits the webmaster's site and clicks on one of Google's AdSense advertisements, the webmaster earns a fee. Advertisers can pay anywhere from five cents to a hundred dollars per click, and the webmaster receives a percentage of that fee.

Many webmasters are content with earning five to ten dollars from AdSense to cover the cost of web hosting. But many, unsurprising, have higher ambitions. At a popular WebmasterWorld forum, participants share tips and encouragement on reaching a goal of $300 per day from AdSense. So it is no wonder that Calacanis created quite a buzz when he made his million dollar blog entry.

Google have proven once again that they excel at designing innovative Internet services. If you are in the web industry and have not yet used AdSense, then perhaps you should try it out. Or if you are already using it, perhaps Calacanis’ impressive results will encourage you to track the performance of your AdSense units more closely, fine tune their positions and formats, and take your earnings to a new level.

Calacanis’ million dollar blog entry can be viewed at:

About the Author:
Scott Adams is an internet entrepreneur, and earns a living by marketing affiliate programs on pay-per-click search engines, including Google’s AdSense. He explains the remarkable system he uses in his book, Affiliate Adventure, which is available at
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Monday, March 19, 2007

Concentrate on what's important...

This is only my second letter in seven or eight weeks. Sorry about that, but at first I had no Internet connection when things went wrong with my satellite service (I'm now on wireless broadband)
and then I developed a quite serious illness which I'm slowly getting over.

If you want to, you can read more on my forum I reckon you should go there anyway, it's a great community.

Incidentally the forum posts are being indexed by Google, which makes it a good place to get links to your websites - as long as you've got something useful/interesting to say that is :)

Ok, I'll keep this relatively short because I'm still not feeling too good. But I hope that normal "service" has now resumed.

1. Concentrate on what's important...

First of all, it looks like I'm missed seeing a lot of new products since I've been offline.

When I visited my forum I saw a number of programs/software being talked about that I'd never even heard of.

And, do you know what? I didn't really care that I'd missed the products being announced.

There's probably nothing wrong with them. They're most likely useful. They're probably worth investigating.

But... remember this.

It's IMPORTANT to not get distracted with new things all the time. You could spend all your limited web time learning how to use
new tools, when really you should be focusing on improving your sites and your skills and your own business.

I remember David Garfinkel and Mark Joyner saying to me in Vegas that I should focus on what I'm good at (in my case writing).

And that's what you should be doing too.

Play to your strengths.

Work out what you're good at/what your main interests are and give them most of your attention and time.

Don't get sidetracked by everything new that comes along.

Write down your "online business" plan, even if it's only on one piece of paper. And work out the steps you need to take to achieve success with it. Doing this will help you focus on what matters, and it will clear your head so that you know where you should be spending your time.

Once you've mapped out your action steps you need to follow them. Don't make a plan and then not stick to it. Don't let anyone or
anything put you off. Go for it.

Don't sign up for every crappy new scheme that comes along. Don't buy every new piece of software or every ebook.

Do what works for YOU and use the tools that works for YOU.

And just go for it.

2. One of the smartest brains around...

I'm not sure if you've heard of him, but James Maduk is one of the smartest business brains around. He's been working online since 1995, writes monthly articles for Entrepreneur Magazine, and he's an expert at online selling.

Plus he's got more products on the market than anyone I know, even beating the prolific Marlon Sanders.

So why he's not amazingly well known in this field I'll never know.

I'm a big fan, especially of his member only site

If you'd like an introduction to his style and knowledge have a look at one of his free weekly webcasts, where he uses "internet whiteboard" technology to get his messages across.

And when you've finished watching and listening you might fancy signing up for his affiliate program which is looks like turning into one of the best around.

3. Free Amazon Tools...

If you're promoting Amazon's affiliate program here are a couple of useful sites which help you automate the process.

Associatesshop lets you add an Amazon store to your site and sell products of your choice, while Addassociates provides you with code which works much the same way as Google Adsense -
meaning it "reads" the content of your webpage and displays context related products.

Of the two I prefer Addassociate, but you can't use it on pages where you're running Google Adsense ads.

Anyway, they're both free and could be a useful addition to your sites.

4. Beginners Bit...

I get heaps of letters about how difficult it is to build a good looking website. But I get even more letters about the complexities of getting a webhost and uploading pages to it.

One simple way around this is to use Site Build It! (SBI) because it offers an all-in-one solution.

The mastermind behind SBI, Ken Evoy, has been really busy with SBI over the past few months, constantly adding new features and making it easier to use. I've owned SBI for a few years now and it's now a far, far better site building tool than when I started using it. And it was good then.

One thing SBI is ideal for is displaying Google Adsense ads.

To really make big profits from Adsense you need a lot of content pages. Using SBI for these sites makes sense because once you've got over the learning curve it leaves you totally free to
concentrate on providing that content. So you can quickly put out a lot more pages.

Plus the in-built tools help you keep that content on topic, which means that Adsense can read that your pages correctly and display relevant ads.

In fact Ken has put together a very good info site about using SBI with Adsense. You should spend a bit of time reading through it.

5. Stuck for ideas what to build a site about?

Try reading Michael Holland's Strike it Niche.
It's a great place to begin.

Michael's done a great research job, giving you ideas for 70 different sites, and explaining just what you need to do to profit from each
of them. Reading this ebook should leave you dancing with enthusiasm.

6. As a follow on to the stuff higher up...

Do you ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of data?
Well you're not the only one.

I just checked out the online edition of The Guardian, one of the best UK daily papers, and found this report:

"There's a lot of data on our hard disks, and there's more accumulating by the day. The University of Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems has just updated its "How Much Information?" study. In 2002 we created over five exabytes of data, in the form of video, print, magnetic and optical media — an increase of over 30% a year since 1999. That's equivalent to half a million new collections the size of the US Library of Congress — 92% of which was on magnetic media, and most of that was on hard disk."

About the author:
Phil Wiley is the author of the best selling book Mini Site Profits and writes the free weekly Letter from Phil at
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Friday, March 16, 2007

Adsense Site Template That Makes Google Give You High PageRank

A lot of people put up Adsense site templates, and after a month or two they realised that their sites were nailed by Google!

Of course this will happen unless you do the following...

I ask you a question? Why do people buy ready-made Adsense site templates? What a stupid question right? People want to churn out Adsense sites fast with Adsense site templates. If you are one of them, you have a problem when you use those junk Adsense site templates!

Adsense site template is only junk if the html code is full of errors and those errors are then amplified by the number of people using them across the globe. You have become part of the problem, because you try to feed Google bots with so called "unhealthy food". Obviously Google is not going to be happy. What makes matter worse is that you are using rehashed content all over!

Thus three things you must know when you buy Adsense site templates.

1) W3C Validated Templates

Your adsense site template must be validated by W3C. W3C is the World Wide Web Consortium who develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) in order to lead the Web to its full potential. They check if your template is free of html errors. When you templates are 100% clean, meaning the Google bots will spider you quicker, deeper and wider. You are then considered validated!

2) Header Graphics

When people talk about beautiful Adsense site template and headers, they actually mean the visual appeal of the site that will get your visitors glued to your site and stay a little longer in order to click on your ads! If at the first instant itself they find the site visually unappealing, they might just hit the "back" button right away. And you lose money! The situation gets only worse if you do not even have good quality content on your site! Remember, the visitors have a very short attention time span. And you've got to grab a visitor's attention before he/she gets disinterested if you want to convert that visitor to a client. So, beautiful Adsense site templates are NOT for the spiders! Instead, the html codes of the Adsense site templates are for the spiders. It's as simple as that!

By understanding this, you have to test with different header graphics or even without header graphics because different niche reacts to header graphics differently.

3) Layout of the Adsense site templates.

When you buy Adsense site template, you have to be presented with different structure of layout. The position of the ads have to be different too. By having such variation, you will be able to use any of the Adsense site template by just swamping the header graphics.

I have told you the three most important factors that can make or break your Adsense earning. Take note of this and be successful with your Adsense site template.

About the Author:
Colin Fu
Did you find the above information useful? You can get even more information on W3C Validated Adsense Site Template at Colin Fu is the templates guy who created W3C Validated Adsense Site Templates. Go visit Adsense Site Template, so that you can start enjoy ready-made W3C Validated Adsense Site Templates now!
Article Submitted On: January 09, 2007
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Monday, March 12, 2007

4 Steps To Unleashing Profits In Your Online Business

Ever wonder how the thousands of "under the radar" web businesses that earn well over $100,000/year (many with much higher sales) out of their own home do it?

Over the last year I've had the great fortune to speak with many of these true, hidden entrepreneurs at conferences, seminars, e.t.c.

What I'm about to share with you also came true for me, and is outlined in more detail in my Ultimate Information Entrepreneur's Success Package.

Here's an example of their business model:

1. Information Products. Without a doubt, each one of the successes I know market their own infoproducts. For some, it's an ebook. Others have special reports. Still others run online coaching programs, membership sites, paid newsletters, teleseminars, or produce digital audio or video products. It's not their only source of income, but is a MAJOR source of income, and more important, brands them an expert in their field leading to success with 2 and 3 below.

2. Market related Affiliate Products. Again, in almost every case, these online success stories become experts at finding and creating joint venture deals with partners.

But, they work differently than most affiliates.

They start by ALWAYS reviewing the product they will market. Second, they look for a different way to present the product or service - a more beneficial way to show users the real benefit in the affiliate product. Third, they use the branding from 1 to negotiate higher commissions and focus on high commission programs only.

3. They monetize their traffic using Adsense or selling advertising on their sites. For high traffic pages where adding paid ads or Google's Adsense will not impact their own sales, they will run ads to further monetize their sites.

4. Sell their time. You will find that truly successful people online LOVE to help people succeed. But...for every person who is really dedicated to succeeding there are 10 "tire kickers" who want someone to hand them success on a silver platter. It doesn't work that way, nothing works that way. So, in order to leave time to help those who really want it, coaching programs are formed. Yes - you have to pay big money, but you should easily be able to get 10X the value for money spent.

So as you can see, there is no ONE single way to build your wealth online.

Instead, you build a diversified, rich and healthy business by focusing on these 4 pillars. Not only will you earn more money, but your business will be stronger and build momentum faster when you do.

(c) Barry Gilbert - All Rights reserved

About the author:
Barry Gilbert
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Friday, March 09, 2007

Buy Unique Visitors PPC Submissions

Guaranteed visitors sounds good doesn't it? Targeted interested people reading your copy, your titles and clicking on your links. Where do you find the kind of visitors that are air breathing, mouse clicking ever looking for the silver bullet that will set their income on fire?

Well you can do it many ways for free online and those types of promotions should not be ignored of course but the most direct method is to buy unique visitors. You may or may not have ever used pay per click marketing but those who do seem to always produce better sales and signup numbers than those marketers who only use the free resources.

Are you one of them?

Now in order to use ppc advertising you as a business owner must know who your target market is before you start any promotional campaigns. Targeting the wrong market is as bad as not doing any marketing at all. They produce the same results for you, nothing.

If you've never use pay per click marketing or used a ppc submission service the best advice I can offer is to start with the smaller less expensive resources before you go dropping serious coin at the major three. If your total monthly budget is less than $100.00 then the major three will burn that up depending on the keyword set you use in a matter of hours or days.

Can you afford to stay in the game? If your sales copy converts well then your budget should be able to grow as your sales increase over time. The problem it seems is that everyone thinks and what really is confusing is that the also believe that success is just a mouse click away so why bother with learning about keywords branding or anything else? The money will just magically appear in their laps!

A fool and his money are soon parted. Goes for the gals too!

Ok back to reality. It takes three to five years to build any real business online or off. The reason is that we must first identify who our customers are and how to attract them to your site so they can either buy now, bookmark and visit later to buy or leave never to return.

Knowing who to target makes it an easier job of getting guaranteed visitors who are also highly targeted to your offers. When you buy unique visitors you have what's called "fresh people" or eyeballs looking at your offer. Now if the flow of traffic is solid and constant then testing your ad copy and headlines will reveal the path to the success you desire.

Not tracking is the single best way to lose big money!

As a business owner you must always test test and re-test in order to find what works. With the resources available online today it is not hard to find the guaranteed visitors you need at a price you can afford to use for a decent length of time. With out the time to test your headlines you will be wasting your money when you use ppc submission. PPC advertising is a craft, an aquired skill if you will that takes time and patients to mature into a profitable skill.

If you are new to pps advertising then it may seem very laborous to create even a short list of keywords that properly identify your target market. Your target market is those people who are more than a little interested in what you are offering. This make it easier for you to build a tageted list of folks who desire to hear more of what you are offering.

Even a small list under one hundred members can produce a substantial income for you provided you have taken the time to create that very important keyword list.

Ask others who are not familiar with your business to read your copy and give you feedback. It may surprise you how far off you really are from what you thought was the correct target.

Proper and careful use of the power of pay per click marketing does and will produce the results you are looking for. It's just a matter of getting guarantee visitors who are also targeted to your offer. You have nothing to lose but sales, signups and new members joining your programs if you aren't already using ppc advertising.

The bottom line is this. If you don't have traffic then buy unique visitors for your online business and track the results. Don't be afraid to test every word of your healine and descriptions to squeeze every once of fat from it so it's just the steak. Give your interested visitors what they want or you will lose them forever which would be a total waste of your time and money. Time is money.

Don't just think about getting unique visitors, actually take the action. You will be happy with the results.

About the Author:
Joe Sansoucie is the owner of the Pay Per Click search engine where every Thursday evening he hosts a keyword workshop for new online business owners in an effort to help them identify and successfully target their market. Visit Joe here.
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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Meet Adwords, AdSense’s Fraternal Twin

AdSense is one of the best ways to monetize your web traffic. People see those little “Ads by Gooogle” tidbits and they click like crazy. Or at least that’s the plan. But have you ever given though to where those ads are coming from? That would be AdWords, the Pay-Per-Click program for people who want to advertise their products on Google.

They are the fine men and women who are willing to part with some coin of the realm every time a visitor to your web site chooses to click on an AdSense ad. Google grabs the cash from the AdWords' member’s account, keeps some of it for themselves, and gives the rest to you. How much they keep and how much give away is a State secret, but who cares; just as long as we’re getting ours each month.

How AdWords Works

AdWords provides pay-per-click advertising to merchants who are willing to shell out anywhere from a minimum 05 .05 per click all the way up to a maximum of $100 per click. Can you imagine anyone paying $100 just to have someone click on an ad?

Anyway, the advertiser joins the AdWords program and gets a control panel similar to the one that we AdSense users get. They can write their ads, pick their keywords, and establish an advertising budget. They get tools to track performance as well as to help them pick keywords. There are no monthly minimum spends required and they can turn their ads on and off at will.

Once an advertiser is happy with their ad, it gets released to the network and shows up on web sites like yours and mine. That’s if the keywords on your site match the keyword requirements of the brand spanking new ad, of course.

They can’t “buy” their way to the top

Google doesn’t simply push the people with the highest paying ads to the top of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). They use a rather fair methodology that takes into consideration not only the maximum CPC (cost per click), but also includes a secret recipe for determining an ad’s placement based upon the number of clicks the ad receives. So, at least in theory, an ad paying .05 per click could rise above one paying $5.00 per click if it’s more popular with Google’s audience.

I say “in theory” because if the owner of the $5 ad is paying attention then he or she will see that they are being bested by a lowly nickel ad and do some serious rewriting to get back up to the top where they belong.

Personally, I’m not sure that I have the guts to invest a lot of money into hoping that people who click on my ad will actually buy something, since I still have to pay Google whether I make a sale or not. But, as a dedicated AdSense user, I’m sure glad that my AdWords brothers and sisters have more nerve than I do. And you should be thankful as well.

About the author:
Diane Nassy provides marketing and internet profit tips.
For more Google AdSense tips, visit
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