Recently an interesting Report was published entitled "The Death Of Adsense"! What a great provocative title! These, according to the author, are the "three little words nobody wants to hear"! Adsense gurus are described as "Shovel Salesmen" and the squeeze page claims readers will discover: "Why every nickel you earn with Adsense is actually costing you a fortune!"
If you haven't read the report, you can grab the link in my resource box below, but if you have read it, you're no doubt left waiting with baited breath for the second instalment AND, wondering if all this is for real?
Well, I've gotta say, I think the report raises a very important point, and I figure it IS true that not many Adsense type marketers are saying an awful lot about it. The gist of the report has to do with a significant change Big G made late last year and has taken a good many months to percolate through the ranks Adwords marketers, from professionals to newbies, and from there, to be 'felt' by the Adsense crowd!
And I'm not talking about "the Google Slap"!
There is no doubt that Adsense earnings seem to have dropped off the perch a bit lately, and the Death Of Adsense report seems to give us a major clue as to why.
Having said that, myself and my clients are still seeing some pretty OK earnings per click - i.e. in the $1 to $2 range is still not too bad, if you get enough traffic and your CTR is reasonable, so I don't think we can draw the conclusion that all Adsense publishers are no condemned to $0.05 clicks - not at all.
So, perhaps the report has a "sensationalist" edge to it, but hey! It's getting a LOT of attention, by all reports, and it certainly makes you sit back and think, when you read some of the distinctions the author makes.
I personally suspect that the model he refers to whereby he is making around $50,000 per month, MUST be based on one or all of the following - plus no doubt more:
- carefully chosen affiliate programs (after all, he does show a CJ check right?!) - high $ pay-per-lead programs or pay-per-action programs
- etc.
The point is, if he is really earning that much, why are we all messing around with Adsense, why aren't we taking the trouble to incorporate some of these other approaches on our sites?
Answer: Probably because it's just SO much easier to stick up the 'ole Adsense code!
Shame on us! Shame on me!
Also, in fairness, it has been shown that you have to make a decision what you are primarily going to promote on the hot-real-estate sections of your sites. In other words if you have Adsense, a CJ ad, an Amazon tower ad, and a text link to an affiliate product, all above the fold, you are probably not going to get much response from any of them. Why?
Too much choice.
So, what I got out of the report so far, is I need to get going on some testing of a range of other monetization forms, pronto!
And therein lies the "heads-up" contained within this excellent piece of marketing - The Death Of Adsense…
A strong call for us content publishers, and article syndicators to lift up our eyes and see the vision beyond Adsense. A vision that includes:
- high paying affiliate products (I saw a forex one the other day paying $97 commission - not bad)
- per per lead and pay per action programs
- Resell Rights Products
- Leads sold to businesses - etc.
- Opt-in, capture pages, in order to build a list, the real asset!
For that - I applaud the author of The Death Of Adsense, and I too look forward to hearing more from him.
About the Author:
Peter Cutforth and Brooke Hayles are Content Site builders and article marketers. Download your free copy of "The Death Of Adsense" here:
You can receive Peter's article marketing course free at:
Article Submitted On: September 14, 2006
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