Adsense arbitrage has the internet marketing community talking and thinking again. It is not a new concept and has been around for a while. It even got a ‘black hat’ connotation to it, or so many would believe.
The truth however is that adsense arbitrage is not 'black hat' or illegal in any way whatsoever. The bad connotations came about by internet marketers misusing the system for only their advantage, and not the advantage the system was intended for.
By placing adsense ads on your web site the intention is to promote other people's products and services through the ads. They click on the advertising and the owner of the product gets a lead or a sale. In return you get paid for the click from your site.
This scenario is a win-win situation, the product owner gets what he wants and you get what you want.
If this is ‘all so pretty’ what went wrong?
Human greed is possibly the best answer. From this win-win situation the owner of the advertising was cut from the equation and the click became much more important than the result from the click. Do remember it is not Google who pays you for the click, it is the advertiser and therefore the advertiser and not Google is your client.
Have you been looking after your clients?
So what happened next? Every other person put up sites, as many as they possibly could, deceived the search engines into believing that this page is related to a keyword search. No second thought was given to content, and there were no alternatives for the visitor other than to click on an adsense ad. The result was totally non targeted traffic for the advertisers. If you were paying for that ad would you have been satisfied?
Didn’t think so…
This is exactly what happened. In every good book on using adwords advertising one of the first warnings is not to advertise on the content network. So with all the serious advertisers making use of adwords gone only a trickle of cash is left to spend between all the millions of adsense sites.
Then of course came along the Google slap, and bang the sites created solely for clicks took a big nosedive. Bad for the guys who were running these sites but good for the advertisers and marketers prepared to think of their clients.
Google also introduced the ability to differentiate between search PPC and content PPC pricing. What do you think the advertisers are doing? Quite right, the value of a search click and that of a content click is hugely different, but what it has achieved is that advertisers are now returning to content search as a method of promoting their products and services.
This hails the return of adsense arbitrage as a ‘white hat’ business model. With a more balanced system in place it will again be a win-win situation. This is the time to get back into the game of adsense arbitrage if you are looking for a profitable online business. It is important though that you should have the right business model in place to ensure success.
The days of just uploading a thousand pages are over, but if you do it right just six pages will make you more in a day than those thousand would do in a month.
About the Author:
Karl Stadler
Discover how to set up your adsense arbitrage business for continued success by following a proven business model and the correct methods to use to insure profitability. Visit
Article Submitted On: January 03, 2007
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