Saturday, February 10, 2007

Google Adsense Optimization Tips

If you are new to Adsense -- Google's affiliate program were you place their ads on your site and they pay you when your visitors click them -- then you may have wondered about how to maximize your income.

Here are a few tips to help you do that.

Build Sites for People

It's against the terms of service for participation in the Adsense affiliate program to create sites just for getting visitors to click your ads. If Google finds out you've been doing this, they can easily disable your account. Therefore, don't treat your site as if it's a billboard, make sure it has content your visitors have searched for and will find useful.

Provide Relevant Content

When Google realizes you have Adsense on your site, it tries it's best to match ads to the content of your site. If your page doesn't have a specific theme or worst it has words unrelated to what your pages are really about, you'll get back unrelated ads. It's unlikely your visitors will click these ads.

Choose the Right Keywords

Ads that show up on your web pages are determined by many factors, but having the right keywords everywhere, in the url, the title and the body will help Google figure out which ads to display. You may want to do some keyword research if you're not sure that the keywords you have now site wide are able to help Google display relevant ads.

Know Where to Place Ads

Ads can be placed anywhere on your site, but there are locations on a page that people glance at first and there are locations people ignore. For example, most people tend to focus their attention near the upper left corner of a web page. If you want people to see your ads, then you should place them there.

Select the Format

Adsense provides its publishers various ad formats, however for a given situation, some formats are effective while others aren't. For example, if you place the banner style ad in the header section of your page, most likely it will be ignored because people have learned that anything in that section must be an ad especially if it has the infamous 468 x 60 pixel dimensions.

Blend Ads In With Your Site

People ignore ads that look like ads. Adsense ads should not stand out but blend in with your site. You can customize the color scheme for each of the separate elements of the ad to achieve this. For example, try to match the background color of the ad to your site's color and try to match the ad's link color to your site's link color.

Include Ads on All Pages

Put Adsense on every relevant page of content on your site. SSI or server side includes will make this task easier. Work on creating more pages of relevant content for your site so you will have more opportunities to earn Adsense income.

Place Ads on All Sites

You can place Adsense ads on any site that you own. The more sites you have the more places you can have Adsense displaying and earning income. Just remember to create sites for people first and you won't have to worry about Google shutting down your account.

Generate More Traffic

Adsense income is only possible when visitors click your ads. Therefore, whichever means you can use to increase the traffic going to your site will also help give a boost to your Adsense income.

Test and Monitor

You can change many different things on your site, which may help improve your Adsense income. But you'll have to keep track of those changes so you can roll back to your previous settings if a change actually hurt your earnings.

Adsense allows you to set up channels to help you keep track of which ads are being clicked. Third party software can provide you with an even greater depth of data such as the search engines that sent you the visitors, the keywords use in their search and the ads which were displayed to them.

Final Thoughts

Whether you are new or old to Adsense, don't settle for the income you are now making. You can earn more if you take a systematic approach to improving what you do with your websites.

Copyright (c) 2006 by Leroy Chan

About the Author:
Leroy Chan
Discover the amazing Adsense money making formula that built a $240,000 per year home based Internet marketing business from scratch. Visit
Article Submitted On: January 04, 2007
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