Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hidden Way To Increase Your Adsense Revenue - Your Newsletter

So many web site owners miss the easiest and best opportunity to increase sales. In a rush to put up as many sites as possible in the vain hopes of generating Adsense revenue, they miss the opportunity to increase sales by not having a newsletter.

Far too many sites are being created with poor content, leaving visitors to continue wandering from site to site looking for good, solid, knowledgeable content.

If you have good content, you likely have some expertise that your visitors will want know more about. Why not set up a newsletter so you can share your expertise with others, and increase your adsense revenue at the same time?

If you are worried that you're not a writer, you're not alone. Just think of it as writing a quick note to a friend. You are sharing some information with a friend of yours. Your subscribers are like your friends.

Its key to now provide your "friends" with some valuable content. Since you are likely passionate about your field of expertise, your enthusiasm will come out, and your subscribers will be motivated. As an expert in your field, you can provide your newsletter subscribers with information that they can use. How do you increase your adsense revenue with this opportunity?

Give them a teaser! By giving them a paragraph or two, and then leading them to your web site, you can get them interested in more information, which your advertisers may be able to provide for them. If they are motivated by your valuable content, they will click on the ads, thus increasing your adsense revenue.

If you have a list of the top paying keywords (http://www.adsenseheaven.com or http://www.adsensepayday.com are two that we use), you can easily find words that you can use for your site. Create sticky content that is optimized around these top paying keywords, and both you and your visitor can benefit. Your visitor gets useful content, and you can increase your Adsense revenue. A win / win.

Another opportunity that your subscribers can provide you is an outlet to sell affiliate products. As an expert in your field, your subscribers will follow your suggestions. This provides an excellent opportunity to increase your affiliate sales.

This opportunity comes with a responsibility though to your subscribers.

If you develop a relationship with your subscribers, you will build on your credibility and trust. One of the biggest complaints of most people surfing the internet is the question of integrity and trust of the information they have in front of them. If you can develop that trust, and keep that trust, your subscribers stay with you.

Its very easy to betray that trust. Once you do, they are gone, and so is your opportunity.

How can you lose this trust so easily? If your subscribers feel that you are pushing products on them, instead of helping them, they will unsubscribe. If the information that you are providing is not valued to the subscriber, they will unsubscribe.

Your subscribers have entered into a relationship with you based on trust. If you treat that relationship with trust, you'll find that your subscribers are more than happy to help you get rich!

About the Author:
Christopher Smith
Northern Source offers web design services for your small business. You'll find more free helpful hints at http://www.northernsource.com
Article Source: www.iSnare.com

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings While Pleasing Your Visitors

Google Adsense has provided website owners a simple way to make money online. Just copy and paste a simple piece of code into your website and you can be making money within 5 minutes. No wages for salespersons, no dealing with advertisers, no hassles. However, there is a big difference between making a couple of cents per day and retiring on your own private yacht in the Caribbean . There is more to do than simply plugging your advertisements into any section of your website, sitting back, and hoping the cheques will start pouring through the door.

If you are looking for a way to increase your earnings with Google Adsense with you Blog or Website then the following tips should help:

1. Blend you Adsense Advertisements with the rest of your page.

This is a very simple but not always used tip. Countless studies have shown that users are more likely to click on your Adsense advertisements if they have the same link and font colours as the rest of your page. Google makes sure that the advertisement relevancy matches the content of your web page so by blending the Adsense advertisements it will provide a consistent look to your page with relevant content as well.

2. Putting Adsense Above or Below the fold?

The fold is simply known as the bottom of the page. If you have to scroll down to see more information on a page, this section is known as below the fold. Test your Adsense placement by analyzing the CTR (click through rate) that you get for advertisements that are above the fold, take them out and then put them below the fold, you'll get a better picture to see which has greater success. There is no hard-and-fast rule to what suits better but remember that success has a lot to do with location, location, location. So get testing.

3. Take the clutter out of your Website.

Like a good spring cleaning exercise look at your webpages and analyze what your visitors find useful and what gets very little clicks. This is not only good practice towards creating a more user-friendly website but it also allows you to test Adsense ads in different areas of your pages and see identify improvements on advertisement CTRs.

4. Help the Adsense robot.

A picture says a thousand words but to a robot/spider that is crawling your pages a picture says very little about what the content is about. If your site contains a lot of pictures then do yourself, your visitor, and the Adsense bot a favour and add some text to let everyone know what the image is about. This way the Adsense advertisements will be more targeted to what your site/page is all about and the user won't see unrelated advertisements within your website.

5. Increase your website traffic.

Seems like another obvious one, but so many good websites exist that aren't reaching their potential target market. By optimising your website to gain better search engine rankings, participating in forums that are related to your website, submitting your website to industry related directories, and getting the word out there in any way that you can think of will help drive targeted visitors to your website. Remember that the internet is an amazingly powerful medium to facilitate word-of-mouth. The effort you put into promoting your site will be rewarded by satisfied visitors/customers spreading the word about your website throughout the World Wide Web. However, make sure that you have a quality website/product/service or the opposite can happen just as quick.

In conclusion

By incorporating the above tips you should improve your Adsense earnings. I'm not telling you that by using the above that you'll be retiring on your yacht with your Pina Colada in hand so don't quit your day-job. If you follow the advice above it will get you on your way to improving your CTRs, your website design, and the experience for your user. Probably the most important thing that these tips help you with is to encourage you to test and experiment with Adsense and not just assume that whatever the style you use and wherever you put it is the right place.

About the Author:
Barry Fenning is the author of this article and the owner of www.betteririshwebsites.com A SEO Articles Website that can help both beginner and experienced webmasters. Please include this bio if you are reproducing the above article.
Article Submitted On: December 24, 2006
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

Friday, May 11, 2007

Google's own AdSense Tips

Google is at least as interested as you are in having your ads perform well on your site. And they've gone to some work to provide the information you need to optimize your AdSense.

What's fascinating to me is that apparently not everyone bothers to read their tips. And even some that do, fail to apply it.

That said, you need to be aware that simply using their tips doesn't guarantee successful ads and decent CTR (Click Through Rate). How many times have you heard this? You have to test. You have to try alternatives and see what really works best for you, on your pages, with your content and your visitors. Test, test, test some more. Track your results, analyze them, try variations. Too many of us don't test. We hear the mantra, but we don't do the work.

First, let's see if we can get an idea about location. (The graphic is included in the article on my site or you can take a look at it at the Google link included below) Generally, above the fold, at the top center of your content, below top navigation is the hottest location. Not immediately below which is good but not quite as hot. In a left sidebar, to the immediate left of primary content or below the primary content are also good. Most other locations are generally cooler.

Again, you need to test and you need to consider your users behavior - and their behavior may vary on different pages with different kinds of content. Google suggests that in some cases, such as articles, the best location can be at the end of the article. To quote Google, "It's almost as if users finish reading and ask themselves, What can I do next?" Well targeted relevant ads right there can provide the answer.

Don't blindly assume that sticking a nice big rectangle in the center above the fold will do it. It may, but depending on your content, it may annoy or inconvenience your users.

Users tend to focus on content, navigation and to a lesser extent graphics. Positioning your ads near these elements will often work well -- if those ads are targeted to your visitors needs.

The top three performers among the Google ad formats are the 336X280 large rectangle, the 300X250 inline rectangle and the 160X600 wide skyscraper. Google reports that the wider formats tend to do better than the taller ones. One reason may be that these are, perhaps, easier to read since they have fewer line breaks and require less eye movement. But, you need to use formats that fit your pages well. Once again, you need to test, but redoing your pages to suit a particular ad format may not be a reasonable alternative and you may discover that a different format actually gets better results.

Now we come to color. Conventional wisdom says that colors which tend to blend into your content do better. Some go so far as to suggest that colors which make the ads look like part of the content are best. Personally, I think anybody really believes those ads are anything but ads, but who knows. Google suggests that you may find that colors that standout from your content do better - or maybe the opposite. This is absolutely an area where you need to test alternative color schemes. Going with the conventional wisdom usually works fairly well, but without testing you could be leaving a lot of money on the table.

Google allows you to have up to three ad units and one link unit on your pages. If you have long pages with lots of text, can only use small ad units or are in a niche with a large ad inventory, multiple units can pay off. Keep in mind that the way ad serving works is that the higher value ads are delivered to the first ad unit block encountered in your code. Always make sure that this first ad unit is displayed in the best location (yeah - test). You want the higher paying ads to be in the prime hot location on your page. Weaker locations can get the lower priced ads. And if none are available, then nothing will display unless you've included an alternate ad URL in your Google code. To maximize monetization you should be including alternate ad URLs, especially if you are putting multiple units on a page. The use of an alternate ad URL also eliminates the possibility of being served PSAs (Public Service Announcements). It's your real estate, maximize your returns.

Nothing here is secret. Except for using the alternate ad URL, all of this information is available from Google's Optimization Tips page - http://www.google.com/support/adsense/bin/static.py?page=tips.html . You can buy books and courses, visit a dozen forums and, in the end it comes down to what your visitors do on your site. The best you can get is general guidance. This means averaged outcomes over many sites, many types of content. If you are serious about doing whatever you can to really optimize your AdSense returns, there is only one thing to do - test. Whether it's AdSense, opt-ins, copy, headlines - anything with a measurable outcome that you can track - then the way to improve is to test and keep on testing.

Copyright 2005 Richard Keir

About the author:
Richard Keir writes, teaches, trains and consults on business and professional presentations and eCommerce related matters. For more information on eCommerce sites and eCommerce site building visit http://www.building-ecommerce-websites.com - and you can find more articles at http://www.building-ecommerce-websites.com/articles.
Circulated by Article Emporium

Friday, May 04, 2007

Five Methods To Increase Adsense Earnings

If you own a website and want to make money with it, a great way to do it is with Adsense. You may or may not be aware that a multitude of people try to earn money online with their webpages and are not having any luck doing so. However, many so called gurus are enjoying filling their pockets with cash every single day from others clicking on Adsense ads on their websites. To be successful like the relatively few who are you need to do what they do, that is, you have to think unlike those who are unsuccessful.

Those with experience can give some really good advice to those who want to get into this way of making money. A lot of their advice has boosted quite a lot of increase in earnings in the past and continues to do so.

The following 5 methods are a few of many that can help increase Adsense revenue...

1) Focus on one type of Adsense ad. One style that has worked for the majority of people is the large rectangle. This kind of ad size has been shown to get clicked on more than other type of ad size. Why should you pick this type over the other styles? This format resembles regular weblinks the most and it is for this reason that they get clicked on more often. Maybe many people don't even realize they have clicked on an ad even after it has been clicked on, but you have still made a bit of money.

2) Use a custom color palette for the ads you use. Pick a color that blends in with your webpage's background. For instance, if your backrgound is cyan, use a cyan or light blue as the border of your ad. The way to pattern the colors is by making the Adsense ad look like it is part of you web pages. You will get a higher CTR (click thru rate) this way.

3) Don't have Adsense at the bottom of your pages but put them towards the top. Don't hide your Adsense ads. Put them where others can see them. Your CTR should improve once you place your ads in the proper places of your web pages.

4) Have links to other sites similar to yours. Maintain your Adsense ads above the other links. People may just click on your ads instead.

5) Use SSI, server side includes, to have your Adsense code automatically placed in your webpages. Your web administrator should be able to tell you whether or not you can use SSI. Then what? Open a text file and paste your Adsense code into it. Then you save the file as "Adsense Text" and upload it to your root directory. Using server side includes, the code is summoned onto other pages. This is a time saver. It is especially time saving for Adsense users who use automatic page generation.

These are just a few tips that have worked very well for many webmasters that want to make a substantial income with Adsense. You should know that ads are displayed because it is relevant to what the user is looking for. Focusing on specific topics for your site should be of utmost importance, since it will get more targeted visitors to relevant content and be a better experience for them and for you also.

The same Adsense ads can get displayed on many different websites. Think of how you might make your ad look as good and blend in with everything else as well as possible. Make your clicks count by making your Adsense ads something users will want to click on.

Advice given, by those who are successful, has made their earnings increase and are tips they often want to share with others. These have blown people away once they have implemented them and they can blow you away too. So try these strategies if you have been unsuccessful or would like to increase your success.

I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to use these strategies, when others have and became and continue to be successful.

About the Author:
Tommy Pereira
Discover a new and underused way of creating tons of keyword content for relatively little work compared to traditional methods. Literally create unique, search engine friendly, user beneficial and income pulling content, whether it be for your Google Adsense sites, blogs, articles, ezines, newsletters or anything you need. I invite you to take a look at my methods of creating content using the number one content companion. http://www.websitecontentapprentice.com/
Article Submitted On: December 13, 2006
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Winning Strategies For Pay-Per-Click Advertising

When you think of your pay-per-click ads appearing in the search engines, it is natural to assume being listed in the top position is the best placement for success. Think again!

This is one of those areas of life where what would seem to best in reality is not. It seems people often click on the ads in the middle or towards the bottom.

This is great news for you because it means you can save a ton of money on your bids.

You don’t need to be listed first in Google! There is often a significant gap between the first and second or third position bids for Google pay-per-click ads. This is where you save. Let others pay the top dollar to be listed first…or even second or third. By stretching you advertising dollar this way you will not only save money on your pay-per-click bill but you may very well get better traffic to your website by being further down the list of Google ads in the search engine. Go figure!

Use the Google tools in your Adwords account to figure out the top bids for the keywords you are using. The fastest way is to start with a bid of $50 and you will then see the first bid under that which is actually the current highest bid for that keyword. Keep entering the next lowest bid to see how much you must bid to be fifth or sixth on the list. Then bid this amount. You’ll save a lot of money this way.

Another thing that will help you get better results with your Google Adwords campaigns is to study your competition. If you are using pay-per-click to advertise an affiliate program and someone else is competing with you, study their landing pages. If they are running their ad on a regular basis, it means what they are doing is working…so you should study what they are doing.

Do they send people to a pre-sell page or directly to the program they are advertising? This is where you usually can separate the amateurs from the pros. Affiliate marketers who stay in the game have learned to use squeeze pages to capture contact information to build the all-important list.

Hardly anyone will buy a product the first time they go to the website. Follow-up is vital to converting your pay-per-click traffic. If you don’t capture contact information, you cannot follow up with benefit-laden emails that convert your prospects to buyers. If you send people directly to the product page, you are losing hundreds and probably thousands of dollars every year. Capturing contact information is not difficult and can make the difference between success and failure of your overall Internet business.

About the Author:
Ali is an expert at Pay Per Click Marketing and has reviewed the best keyword research software, which he uses every day, at his website: www.i4unow.com/keywords/a.asp.
Article Source: http://www.articles2k.com