If you own a website and want to make money with it, a great way to do it is with Adsense. You may or may not be aware that a multitude of people try to earn money online with their webpages and are not having any luck doing so. However, many so called gurus are enjoying filling their pockets with cash every single day from others clicking on Adsense ads on their websites. To be successful like the relatively few who are you need to do what they do, that is, you have to think unlike those who are unsuccessful.
Those with experience can give some really good advice to those who want to get into this way of making money. A lot of their advice has boosted quite a lot of increase in earnings in the past and continues to do so.
The following 5 methods are a few of many that can help increase Adsense revenue...
1) Focus on one type of Adsense ad. One style that has worked for the majority of people is the large rectangle. This kind of ad size has been shown to get clicked on more than other type of ad size. Why should you pick this type over the other styles? This format resembles regular weblinks the most and it is for this reason that they get clicked on more often. Maybe many people don't even realize they have clicked on an ad even after it has been clicked on, but you have still made a bit of money.
2) Use a custom color palette for the ads you use. Pick a color that blends in with your webpage's background. For instance, if your backrgound is cyan, use a cyan or light blue as the border of your ad. The way to pattern the colors is by making the Adsense ad look like it is part of you web pages. You will get a higher CTR (click thru rate) this way.
3) Don't have Adsense at the bottom of your pages but put them towards the top. Don't hide your Adsense ads. Put them where others can see them. Your CTR should improve once you place your ads in the proper places of your web pages.
4) Have links to other sites similar to yours. Maintain your Adsense ads above the other links. People may just click on your ads instead.
5) Use SSI, server side includes, to have your Adsense code automatically placed in your webpages. Your web administrator should be able to tell you whether or not you can use SSI. Then what? Open a text file and paste your Adsense code into it. Then you save the file as "Adsense Text" and upload it to your root directory. Using server side includes, the code is summoned onto other pages. This is a time saver. It is especially time saving for Adsense users who use automatic page generation.
These are just a few tips that have worked very well for many webmasters that want to make a substantial income with Adsense. You should know that ads are displayed because it is relevant to what the user is looking for. Focusing on specific topics for your site should be of utmost importance, since it will get more targeted visitors to relevant content and be a better experience for them and for you also.
The same Adsense ads can get displayed on many different websites. Think of how you might make your ad look as good and blend in with everything else as well as possible. Make your clicks count by making your Adsense ads something users will want to click on.
Advice given, by those who are successful, has made their earnings increase and are tips they often want to share with others. These have blown people away once they have implemented them and they can blow you away too. So try these strategies if you have been unsuccessful or would like to increase your success.
I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to use these strategies, when others have and became and continue to be successful.
About the Author:
Tommy Pereira
Discover a new and underused way of creating tons of keyword content for relatively little work compared to traditional methods. Literally create unique, search engine friendly, user beneficial and income pulling content, whether it be for your Google Adsense sites, blogs, articles, ezines, newsletters or anything you need. I invite you to take a look at my methods of creating content using the number one content companion. http://www.websitecontentapprentice.com/
Article Submitted On: December 13, 2006
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
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