Saturday, December 30, 2006

Using AdWords To Make Money

I love AdWords.

There are many reasons why, but you know what my favorite thing about AdWords is? It's the fact that I can see results quickly from my efforts. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against traditional search engine optimization (SEO) at all. I love getting free traffic (who doesn't), but the fact is that you have to wait a long time if you want to have any chance of ranking on the first page of Google for the free (organic) listings. This is not the case using AdWords. In fact, I can create an ad and sometimes in as little as 2 minutes I see the ad show up in the search results.

Now guess what happens when you create ads for products or services that people want and get those ads in front of thousands of eyeballs per day? You get traffic, of course! And when you've got the traffic, you're going to get your share of sales. It's just the law of averages (or "conversion ratios", as they say in the business). Using Adwords to make money should be a part of every marketer's strategy.

Another great reason to use AdWords to generate traffic and sales is the fact that AdWords is not as prone to algorithm changes. You see, Google often tweaks their organic search listings algorithm, to keep people like me on our toes. After all, if you can "crack the code" to reliably getting on the first page of the free listings, then AdWords revenue would certainly dry up! But of course Google is smarter than that. But that's okay, because using AdWords to make money has many other advantages as well, including the fact that I as an advertiser control what my ad says! Don't discount the benefit here--with the free listings, what gets returned in the listing "snippet" is not always predictable. But if I put an ad out there, I can make it say whatever I want provided my ad falls within the acceptable Terms Of Service (TOS).

Let me sum it up for you: Using AdWords is a smart business move on your part, because you get more control over how your content appears in the listings, and, most importantly, you get results quickly.

Results = Traffic + Sales, which is the winning formula you need!

By the way, to learn all the strategies that the top Internet marketers use to win at AdWords, you really need to check out this book. I know of no other guide that is so transparent in sharing with you the closely guarded AdWords secrets that make all the difference in the world.

About the Author:
David Andrew
Article Submitted On: September 13, 2006
Article Source:

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